music video for Hermes - Roxanne Starnik

Hermes had returned to the United States from a spiritual quest in India. There, some shamans bestowed her with a bunch of ancient wisdoms, and persuaded her to request I make a video for the single
"Box Beyond the Dust".
"Box Beyond the Dust".

interview with Mai Magazine Berlin, who dubs me "the poor man's 'The Hoff' of Berlin."
not bad.
not bad.
The annoying thing about shamans is they're always so paradoxical. They can't really "gift" you with anything because it's something you already have, They can't really "teach" you anything, but they can sort of show you how to learn it yourself. It's always something unique yet universal, infinite yet singular, etc...

Thematically, the video is about Herme's journey to discovery
Esoteric abilities revealed and forgotten technologies remembered
Interfacing with the information realm and employing control over the inherent mechanisms of vibration

face motion capture in CV-AR (now Moves by Maxon)
textures created with redshift nodes, some with substance painter
animated in C4D, mograph cloners and X-particles
post work, various background, data-mosh in after effects and photoshop
face motion capture in CV-AR (now Moves by Maxon)
textures created with redshift nodes, some with substance painter
animated in C4D, mograph cloners and X-particles
post work, various background, data-mosh in after effects and photoshop